I come from a long line of survivors

Brought up by prospectors making land-grabs in the real estate of shouting.

By nineteen I knew I didn’t want in on the family business — declared it through gritted teeth, but I still led with a tongue like a knife-edge on the hunt for slammed doors and empty beds.

Mainlined shame

Fistsfirst into hard corners of

You are not enough.

More pain in my veins than love.

But my heart is like the ocean, she stayed open — kept pulling me home.

Here’s what I know:

Sometimes aliveness is the act of expanding even if the world keeps handing you nothing but examples of small love.

Sometimes you have to burn what you thought you should be, build light from the lies and rise like heat.

Sometimes relief is learning the shape of your own true names. Learning forgiveness and absolution are not the same.

So this is for the ones with a hunger in the belly of their heartbeats for a full-fire love that laughs.

The ones who want more than divorce-avoidance.

Those who choose brave — 

Lean barefoot and open-hearted into the wild of the thing,

Adventure on the tips of their tongues.

Who want to grow love 

Knee-deep in dreaming

Sun-drenched in laughter

For those who are after bonfire-acoustic-guitar-midnight-sky road trips


Really, really great sex.

This is for the ones who want to stop settling for anything less.


 What’s a Fit Call?

A free, confidential, 60-minute audio call that'll allow us to get to know each other a bit, talk about what you're wanting right now, do a mini coaching sample, answer any questions you might have, and chat about logistics. It'll give us both a chance to see if we feel like we could be a great fit to support you through the work you're doing right now.


 A few of the values I’m building my life and my coaching practice around…

Pull on your wetsuit in the half-light before morning wakes… feel the staccato of wax-on-surfboard under your hand… bare feet kiss cool sand… inhale the salty love letter that dances between ocean and shore… Step into sea… paddle… breathe… This value called “Dawn Patrol” is about releasing everything you’ve been carrying and arriving fully where your feet are. It’s about Intimate connection and deep relationship with Wild, With Self, With Others.

Dawn Patrol.

This value is about being IN YOUR BODY. It’s about unhindered experience and expression and movement. It’s about living from a visceral understanding that, as humans, we are animals before we are anything else — and the language of the body is our native tongue. this value affirms the feral wisdom of the sensual in a culture that often prioritizes only the wisdom of the intellect.


This value is about that expansive feeling that you are at once infinite and tiny. It’s about truth and honesty. It’s about naming what you know in your bones and your heart before you know what it means for your life or your choices because, sitting beside the fire, you know that whatever it means, the wide open sky stretched out above you can hold it, and you’re going to be so much more than fine.


the rope at your waist trails down to where your partner belays you… everything stills… your breath synchs with the breath of the mountain and you feel cool granite under your palms… you step off the ledge, and climb… This value is about trusting yourself and trusting others. It’s about bold commitment and adventures in falling. It’s about being willing to make a move that might result in a ride through open air before your rope — and your climbing partner — catch you.

Sharp End.

This value is about the exhilaration of leaning into your edge for the sake of delicious, dangerous aliveness. It’s about finding a new edge through the process. When I paddle out into waves that feel big (regardless of their actual size), there’s (at least) an element of fear involved. In Surf sessions, in conversations, in decisions… This value claims that truly alive is more important than just surviving.

Big Wave.

“Alice gets you to dig — to get in deep. It gets into places you’ve never been before. It takes you to those deep dark corners that have been haunting you, and you don’t even know they’ve been haunting you — the little stuff that’s been eating you for years that you didn’t even realize was bothering you. When you understand the stuff in those deep dark corners, you’re not hiding anything — you’re free. You have secrets you don’t even know you have [right now]. And when you get honest about those secrets with yourself, you’re truly free.”

— Jake, former client


Training & Credentials

I trained through the Co-Active Training Institute to then get credentialed through the International Coaching Federation. I’ve also trained and learned through The Gottman Institute, Esther Perel’s educational salon for therapists and coaches, The Gremlin Taming Institute with Rick Carson, and with numerous master coaches along the way.

If you have any questions about my training or my specific approach in session, please feel invited to reach out; I’ll be stoked to chat about it with you!

I do this work because I believe in aliveness. I believe in embodied, honest, raw experience of and relationship with this life. I want more of that in the world — for all of us.